So Fetched

In the words of Elle Woods, "Exercise gives you endorphins. Endorphins make you happy."

(I know, I reference Mean Girls a lot in here).

It's an undeniable fact. There is something about hitting that track with the music filling your ears that just makes you want to keep going!

In here, there is a concentration of mostly negative people, living in the loneliest world. No matter how hard we try, we cannot get away from it. I stay in my room, at rec and education, and out of the mix completely, but even then, there's this air of yuckiness.

My roommate tells me I have a way of always seeing the positive in even the most hateful intentions of others. I don't realize I'm doing it, but she'll point it out. The other day, campers in my dorm were making a huge deal about someone using the toilet in our restroom that was clearly marked "out of order." There was a garbage bin blocking the stall, and a sign on the door. So, the person must've purposely moved the bin and ignored the sign to be crass. My response was "wow, they must have really had an emergency." Which I feel is a fair response to something like that. But others around just laugh like I am over the top with giving passes for (quite literally) shitty behavior.

We have a growing motivation wall up in GROW now- thanks to my amazing friends who send me the best cards and motivational quotes. I have them posted covering an entire wall with inspiring affirmations and positive quotes to keep us going. But, not everyone is responsive.

My roommate tries to get me to see that my rose colored glasses don't appeal to everyone, and sometimes you have to know when to fold 'em, know when to walk away, and know when to run.

Needless to say, she was right. I give up trying to encourage and uplift as if all women should be receptive and feel like kumbaya-ing and wanting the best for one another. Some people have a lot of time to wrap their heads around, and it's hard for them to wish the short timers well out the door. I get it, but I don't. Regardless, we are all different people, and come from varied walks of life. It broke me down a little to realize that I can't get the campers to come together, but there are still a rare few hanging on and if one or two can get something out of the positivity and love we need to get through this time, it's worth it. I still do what I do, I'm just not vocal about it.

Once I decided to turn back to the track and my circuit in the weight area, it was enlightening. Music in my ears, time to kill, endorphins flowing, my mood is up up up. I find myself living for me, getting through each day in my own world. I don't care that I look like a crazy person dancing on the track or belting out Bruno Mars singing about activating your sexy. I'm loving it and the boot camp aspect of working on me, myself, and I is sooo fetch.


One Day at A Time


B.O.P At Its Finest