
Not the happiest time of the year here.

But, it is the time we should all remember the true meaning of Christmas. Whether it means purely celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ, or celebrating family, watching the kids open gifts, giving, sharing, caring, love. Christmas means a lot of things to each of us, and in confinement, we really have to dig extra deep to remember what's important.

I woke up slowly this morning, not really interested in getting of bed. There are little parties going on around the campus, and people sharing homemade treats. I did go to the phone. The wait was atrocious. People arguing over the phone line and switching channels on the television. I guess nobody is in the best of spirits today. I call home to lift my spirits, and wish them a Merry Christmas. That was the highlight.

With a 2 hour wait for the phone in a tv room where everyone is arguing, that may be my only communication today.

The cooler was apparently broken in the kitchen, so they passed out something unidentifiable in a Styrofoam container.

There was literally a mix mosh of whatever they could pulled together in the kitchen- a half of a baked potato, a scoop of tuna, and something orange and mushy that may have been an attempt at BBQ chicken, but I'm not quite sure. On my way to the trash can, I was shaking my head, almost jumping on the complain train. I heard so many people "Hell No!" (ing), and "Are they effing serious?" "What the hell is this?" It made me stop in my tracks. Remember that there are people who have nothing to eat. We have a roof over our heads (albeit leaking), we have a free campus to run around. They offer games and events at rec. I stopped and reminded myself to be grateful for what it is. Most importantly, the health and love of our families and friends.

So, while the mindfulness didn't stop me from trashing my meal, and although this may not be the merriest place on earth today, it's another day above ground. And for that, some of us remain grateful. Looking forward to being with our loved ones on holidays to come.

Merry Christmas.


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