
There's a 90's song by Salt n Pepa that closes with the message, "The moral of this story is, who are you to judge? There's only one true judge and that's God. So chill, and let my father do his job."

Sounds good.

I believe that most people who have been in the position of appearing in federal court will fear the judge more than they fear God.

Let me explain.

God knows who we are. God knows the backstory. God didn't build prisons, doesn't work for any government, and certainly has insight as to the deals being made on the political forefront in courthouses across the country. God knows all. And apparently gave the power to the same men he granted free will. Presumably. My jury's still out on the power hierarchy. At any rate, God is all knowing. Alpha. Omega.

On the other hand, the accussed has a few minutes with a judge, who has the power of making the decision to put people away for life, or even to death, based on a file presented by prosecution and many times, hearsay.

100% of the time, they do the most to villify the acussed. As if a guilty offender needs any help looking bad in the eyes of the law. The judge has an obligatory duty to make citizens feel safe and protected by the law. There are political implications to consider. All the while, there is almost never a chance for the accused to speak freely, and they are always told to keep quiet. 98.5% of all federal cases that have gone to trial in the past ten years have lost, with hasher sentences being imposed post trial.

Thus, the push to accept guilty pleas, regardless of mitigating factors, or the extent of what they may be plea bargaining to.

Courtrooms are filled with judgement and fear. Churches are filled with forgiveness and love.

So, all the 'only God can judge us', and 'nothing to fear but fear itself' stuff sounds good, but hearing that as much as I do here is annoying. I understand that people need to tell themselves something to get through each day. But the judgement is made, and this is the country we live in, and while it could be better, it certainly could be worse.

"Only God can judge me" does not play well for government.

Sorry Tupac- love u tho


Ego Trip


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