LETS GO 2024!!!

The countdown is REAL.

Two more days until we close out 2023!

We have a four day weekend, as no staff wants to come to work today or Monday. I'm excited for my visitors this weekend. I really miss my girlfriends.

I don't know what to expect around here this weekend- Stories of New Year's past are plentiful, and I know there are plenty of party favors and drink around the other dorms. One good thing about the GROW program is that we are comprised of women who keep it chill. Thank goodness.

The dorm next door on the other hand, is off the chain.

When you walk by the door, you can hear music blasting from contraband speakers, and partying starts in full force on Friday nights. Apparently, they are selling bottles and shots this weekend, and some girls have already started working on their NYE attire.

The multi purpose mesh bags we use to carry our clothes and linens to and from the laundry room, and to bag our groceries on shopping days have another purpose at this time of year- dresses and onesies. The creativity is really wild.

I'm sure it'll be an entertaining sight to see, but again... so fortunate to be housed in the honor unit without all the ghetto fabulous festivities that are being planned.

The end of the year resembles so much more than partying. It was a year of blessings in more ways than I can count.

Health, Love, Strength, Lessons.

LET'S GO 2024!!!


the Ghost of M.J.

