the Ghost of M.J.

"If you want to make the world a better place, take a look at yourself and make that change." ~Michael Jackson

I found myself on the track today for almost 90 minutes, zoned out through reflection. What is important? Really important? Who am I really? Am I serving myself, God, and others with what and whom I surround myself with? How much does God have to do with all of it... or is it really all up to me? I imagine these are questions many of us ask ourselves when there is a new year lurking on the other side of Sunday.

So deep in thought and oblivious to my mileage, I didn't realize what I was even listening to until I heard Michael pleading with me to look in the mirror, singing about no message getting any clearer. I seriously don't remember downloading that song to my tablet. I'm pretty certain I didn't. Which should have had me thoroughly freaked out, had I considered it long enough to stop dancing on the otherwise empty track. I looked around as if to snap out of it, and realized that there was really nobody outside at all. And the ghost of Michael Jackson just hijacked my tablet to tell me something. Oof. And I thought I was holding on to my marbles.

Ok, so it probably wasn't a ghost- though if I did have an afterlife visitor it would be an R&B Pop legend. I'm sure of it.

At any rate, I got the point.

Is it any wonder that when we need to hear or see a clear message, that song, or the perfect scripture, or even a magazine article can jump off the page and speak to you. Like, a giant sign atop a high mountain screaming "THIS IS FOR YOU! PAY ATTENTION!"

I use to avoid those signs when I was younger. Who am I kidding? Sometimes, I still do. Because it's a lot easier to overlook what doesn't make you feel secure. But when we are secure with ourselves and own who we are, it won't matter. And we'll stop to read the signs. Smell the roses. All that.


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