
"Madness is something rare in individuals-- but in groups, parties, peoples, and ages it is the rule ~ Friedrich Nietzsche

The psychological health of people is on full display here, as is everything each of us do and say.

Sadly, I have seen some pretty seemingly) sane women go south (in more ways than one) in a matter of months. Being in a dysfunctional group can actually make otherwise stable individuals unstable and neurotic. I used to pride myself on the fact that I have managed to keep my wits about me in a place like this.

Today at work, someone from the kitchen walked over to the industry warehouse to spread the word that no one should eat the lunch meal. Kitchen workers divided and conquered the camp to make sure that everyone was aware that the chicken was bad. Apparently, it smelled funky on Tuesday, worse yesterday, and putrid this morning, When brought to the attention of staff, they were ordered to cook the chicken and throw a lot of BBQ sauce on the it.

Something about being regarded as insignificant as that will make people go crazy after a while. This is a single instance, and not such a big deal in comparison to some things that go on. We all know what happened in Dublin. Some of the females who relocated here are still dealing with the trauma of being sexually and mentally fu-ked by staff on up to the warden. Women are told regularly that they don't matter.

Fortunately, my mind and my support system is strong AF. I am in a position to where I do not depend on the kitchen or go to the cafeteria. I don't engage with staff to the level of having to take things personally or be offended. My validation, love, and reason to stay fit comes on the weekends. I am blessed and grateful for that. Beyond measure.

But what about those who are not so strong minded? They are expected to sit their salmonella ridden butts down and take the abuse? They are losing their marbles. Legit. It's all around me. It's very disheartening to read and hear about this stuff. But to live in it, it's more than disheartening. It's real.


LETS GO 2024!!!


Choices and Consequences