The Future is Now

"The power for creating a better future is contained in the present moment. You create a good future by creating a good present." - Eckhart Tolle

When I look around at the campers with whom I share space, air, time, a hairdryer, and wait for hot water, I can see who is conditioning for a better life by utilizing this time to better themselves, and which campers are merely being housed.

It's pretty obvious- doesn't take a genius (or even a con artist) to read these people. They speak for themselves.

One thing about staying to myself is having the ability to be oblivious, but also observant. A little oxymoronic, but allow me to explain...

I stay to myself as in, I talk to everyone (when they say "hi," I say "hi" back.) and I talk to no one (no meaningful convos outside the classroom). I may eat with Ms. K once in awhile now, because we both have gag reflex when we think about the kitchen, but for the most part, I'm the three little monkeys.

Remaining oblivious, it is impossible to hear, see or speak evil. Even if I happen to be questioned because I'm in the vicinity of something going down, I can honestly say that I don't know who the players were, because I seriously don't know more than a few names.

On the contrary, when walking to work or rec, I have the option to tune in to others doing their thing, while keeping my observations to myself. Again, feeling like the Mean Girls flash backs to when the Lindsay Lohan character lived in Africa, comparing the wild antics of jungle animals to the people in her new surroundings.

Since this universe is like no other, it makes for an interesting type of people watching. Even in these conditions (maybe especially in these conditions), we have the ability to work on ourselves. It is work to create a present. More work in a place like this to get up and put on a happy face, choose to do better than yesterday, or last week, or last year, and keep it pushing.


Never A Dull Moment


It Is What It Is